Monday, August 24, 2020

Pontiac Schools Postpones Fall Sports.

Written Monday August 24th at 2:30 PM

Pontiac Schools has became the second OAA school not to hold fall sports this year.

Phoenix Athletic Director Lee Montgomery made the painful decision in a letter to the community.

Here is the message he wrote

"Dear Pontiac School District Athletes, and families,

The MHSAA has been working extensively with the governor's office and other entities across the state to determine the safest and best way to handle fall sports during the pandemic. At this time although a statewide decision has not been reached, Pontiac and our surrounding districts have been deemed as a region unsafe for fall sports competitions.

Although this is saddening news for all of us, the safety of our athletes, staff, families, and competitors is imperative for all of us. We will be adhering to the MHSAA guidelines as will our fellow competing districts and will not be pursuing a fall season. Our hope is that we can revisit these sports in the spring.

The decision to not hold fall sports was not an easy one but it's the right decision at this time. In addition to the MHSAA determination there are a number of factors that have to be considered. The risk of catching the virus is high in sports settings, we do not have approval from the governor's office to practice in gymnasiums yet, with schools beginning virtually many athletes will not have access to transportation to and from practice and other districts cancelling fall sports directly impacts our ability to compete

Should circumstances change we'll let you know. We will continue to provide resources and tools for our athletes to continue conditioning and to prepare for a possibility for a sports season in the spring.

Thank you for continuing to show us all what it means to be a Phoenix and continuing to rise in any situation. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me."

Pontiac joins Ferndale as the other OAA school not to hold fall sports.


There is a mental component to this which safety is paramount but the mental mindset will certainly be tested. I have said this before, I really hope they have a plan in place for the mental and emotional side to postponing fall sports.

Stay tuned to OAA Now for the latest on this developing story.

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