Thursday, August 20, 2020

MHSAA needs Whitmer's Approval For Volleyball, Soccer, and Swimming and Diving to start back up.

Written Thursday August 20th at 5:00 PM

The MHSAA made it's decision on volleyball, boys soccer, and swimming and diving and Executive Director Mark Uyl has had enough.

The league announced that volleyball, boys soccer, and swimming and diving have been given the go ahead to compete however not all of the State can have that. In regions six and eight which is the northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula they have been given the green light however in the rest of the regions they have not yet.

In the regions where they can't compete yet they can still practice outdoors as they are still in phase four while regions six and eight are in phase five.

Uyl responded on the Huge Show that the league has been getting a ton of criticism from parents and coaches and he's pretty much fed up with all of it. Uyl according to a tweet from Brandon Folsom of the Port Huron Times Herald wrote that he hinted that Uyl was "sick of the MHSAA getting backlash from fans/coaches for following Governor Gretchen Whitmer's executive orders that have limited the start of high school sports."

"Our patience are running thin as we continue to be the windshield of taking criticism on our delay and indecisiveness (to begin school sports)" Uyl mentioned.

Volleyball and swimming haven't been given the go ahead because they are sports that are played indoors. In phase four, you can only have ten people. In phase five you can have more people.

Why soccer was delayed according to John Johnston he said that needs the go ahead from Whitmer because of social distancing concerns.

Regions six and eight can host schools in the rest of the regions but the rest of the regions can't host them as of yet because they are still in phase four.

"Our council has made clear it is ready to offer students these opportunities pending approval from Governor Whitmer that we may do so. I have been told that within a week future guidance will address athletic issues that exist in current executive orders. We are awaiting that guidance." Uyl added.

The MHSAA also gave decisions regarding football and the other spring sports.

Football has been given 16 voluntary coach-player contacts with helmets starting from the time frame of August 24th until October 31st with no competition or practice from other schools are allowed at that time. Spring sports have been given a chance to have 16 voluntary coach-player workouts from September 8th until October 31st.

The MHSAA announced that middle school and junior high schools can begin practices on August 24th if they want to with safety protocols in place. They can proceed except for football based on the decisions from the league.

It is clear the high school sports is being politicized in the State.

The MHSAA Representative Council was ready to give the go ahead for all regions for swimming and diving, volleyball, and boys soccer but they were unable to do so and is seeking guidance from Whitmer's office about current executive orders as they relate to school gyms and pools.

"High school sports have become a political agenda, If your mad and want to comment something negative direct that to the governor not the MHSAA. The MHSAA has done everything they can ensure player safety and set guidelines. It's in the governor's hands and always has been" said Troy Athletic Director Shane Hynes on Twitter.

What Uyl basically did was give the decision to Whitmer and that he did everything on his end. If parents and coaches want someone to blame, blame Whitmer not Uyl or the MHSAA.

There is a real clear disconnect between the MHSAA and Whitmer's office.

"The MHSAA and Representative Council are committed to following all current and future executive orders and safety precautions however we need more answers before we can give our member schools the go ahead to play each other again and the majority of our schools are in regions that are not yet allowed to take part in volleyball, soccer, or swim" Uyl concluded from the press release.

HomeTown Life

MLive Article

MHSAA Press Release

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