Sunday, September 26, 2021

I have to be Better.

Written Sunday September 26th at 2:10 PM

I have to do better as a blogger and as a person.

The last week hasn’t been good for me.

I’ve let my emotions and opinions get the best of me which is never a good sign.

In sports journalism it’s always important to keep your emotions and opinions out of things. Sometimes it clouds your judgement which it has for me.

I’ve always wanted to be a podcaster and blogger which I am. I wanted to cover the OAA which I do. One of the premier conferences in the State of Michigan.

We all make mistakes and I’m owning up to mine. I don’t want to offend anybody but I feel like in the past week I have and to those who I offend I apologize.

I will do better with my sources and who it impacts. 

I have too.

Life is full of learning experiences and this is a learning experience for me.

I encourage those who are interested in sports journalism and in my line of work to keep what you’re doing but research every fact and every detail and things will go your way.

I have to be better and I will be.

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