Thursday, September 30, 2021

Berkley looking for new Girls Basketball Coach according to source.

Written Thursday September 30th at 12:20 PM

It looks like the Berkley girls basketball coaching position is up again.

It has been a very challenging month for Berkley which started when then Coach Kurt Carolan left Berkley and accepted an assistant coaching postion at Macomb Community College.

The Bears named Ben Bancroft to the position a few hours after Carolan left however some folks said that there wasn’t a formal process to the search.

According to my source there was a meeting between Berkley Athletic Coordinator Taylor Horn, the principal, and the superintendent a few days later. They said that the move to name Bancroft the coach was final.

Then my source emailed me that the coaching vacancy was open again and that an application was out for a new coach that was posted on September 29th. The job opening said that all applicants who are interested in coaching the program has until October 8th to submit their applications to Erin Haley. They will begin coaching interviews on October 11th.

I really don't know what happened if Bancroft resigned or something else, that's really not my place. 

I haven’t reached out to Horn to talk about this matter. If he does comment and updates me I will have it on the blog.

It is getting really close to the start of the season which is only a month away. It will be very interesting to see what happens.

Stay tuned to OAA Now for the latest on this developing story.


Here is the job posting.

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