Thursday, May 27, 2021

Ferndale looking for a Girls Basketball Coach.

Written Thursday May 27th at 7:00 PM

Ferndale is starting over again in Girls Basketball.

Ferndale Athletic Director Shaun Butler went to MIPrepZone on Thursday afternoon seeing if there was anyone interested in coaching the Eagles next winter.

Ferndale did not field a girls basketball team last season due to lack of numbers and COVID-19. The Eagles boys basketball program had a ton of success getting to the Division Two State Semifinals.

The Eagles will be in the Blue this winter for Girls Basketball.

Stay tuned to OAA Now for the latest on this developing story.


Ferndale is need a reboot. I think with a new coach in there along with the success of the boys basketball program they could convice some ladies within the school and school district to come out and play along with develop a program.

I think Ferndale can develop a girls basketball program. It has to be the right person and it has to be a long term commitment on both sides.

Here is the tweet and contact information if interested.

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