Friday, January 22, 2021

Uyl Needs To Take A Stand.

Written Friday January 22nd at 4:05 PM

MHSAA Executive Director Mark Uyl said that the MHSAA would guarantee all three seasons.

Now it’s time to prove it.

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has become the biggest hurdle in the MHSAA to achieving their goals.

Whitmer and the Michigan of Health and Human Services has extended “the pause” three times since November on certain contact sports. Although non-contact sports have been given the green light to continue their seasons.

Basketball, Cheerleading, Wrestling, and Hockey remain on hold until February 21st.

Uyl was blindsided like everyone else by the decision from Whitmer and her administration on Friday morning. “We found out about this decision at 9:30 am just like everyone else and we will address it this weekend to collect more information. We did not anticipate this delay in winter contact practices and competition, and today’s announcement has created many new questions. Obviously this is very disappointing to thousands of athletes who have been training with their teams over the last week and watching teams in other states around Michigan play for the last two months.”

The reason why Uyl needs to prove it is because Whitmer and her administration have done this three times to the student-athletes by halting their ability to compete. Despite coronavirus case numbers coming down, she and her administration have extended the pause anyway.

Robert Gordon stepped down as MDHHS Director on Friday after putting the new order in place. Whitmer appointed Elizabeth Hertel to take over as MDHHS Director. This though will need to be confirmed by the Republican held Senate.

When Uyl meets with the MDHHS he needs to be firm with them. “What are the numbers that are holding them up??? And where would the road map be at???” He mentioned this on the Huge Show.

Uyl and the MHSAA Representative Council are expected to meet next week to adjust the schedule for the four sports affected by the new order.

Uyl needs to take a stand against Whitmer and the MDHHS. He needs to stand up for the student-athletes, parents, coaches, superintendents, and athletic directors that are fed up with Whitmer and the MDHHS pausing these four winter contact sports.

Could the MHSAA sue Whitmer and the MDHHS??? I don’t know but there could be multiple lawsuits filed against Whitmer and the MDHHS.

If Uyl wants three seasons it’s time for him to make a stand for these student-athletes.

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