Monday, May 11, 2020

Potential MHSAA Options for the 2020-2021 School Year.

Written Monday May 11th at 9:30 PM
Updated Monday July 6th at 9:30 PM

Fall Sports in the Spring???

Looks possible

Spring Sports in the Fall???

Looks possible as well.

I wonder if the MHSAA would consider switching spring sports and moving them to the fall and fall sports to the spring.

Sports nuts would think that’s crazy to move a sport like football to the spring but in wake of the coronavirus outbreak anything seems possible.

Governor Gretchen Whitmer in a press conference on Tuesday June 29th said in a recommendation that she wants the MHSAA to look at switching contact sports like football to the spring and the spring sports which the majority of them are outdoors.

Michigan is currently in Phase Four of Whitmer's "Return to School Plan." If they go to Phase Three that would mean that there are no sports even though there have been sports that could be played in Phase Three. The Traverse City, Alpena, and the Upper Peninsula areas are in Phase Five which means they are in a more advanced stage.

The reason is simple, spring sports has a ton of options when it comes to social distancing and the guidelines we face today. Spring sports like baseball, softball, golf, track, and girls soccer are not necessarily contact sports and there is enough distance to play them.

The reason why moving fall sports to spring is simple as well. We as a nation should have a vaccine and treatment by then and with fall sports like football, boys soccer, cross country, girls swimming, and volleyball could be played.

Football is defiantly the money maker for any school district and community. It brings out the crowds to cheer on your team. Imagine that being moved to spring, it would be very interesting.

Football coaches have been opposed to switching seasons especially in wake of some players possibly leaving early to play College Football.

I know there was a lawsuit in the early 2000’s regarding with the group “Communities for Equity” against the MHSAA that involved switching volleyball and basketball among other sports but in wake of the coronavirus outbreak switching the spring and fall sports for the 2020-2021 school year could be an option especially in wake of college sports including volleyball possibly switching their seasons as well.

It would be for only one season.

Safety is very important and no one wants to get this coronavirus but I also know student-athletes want to play no matter the cost.

The MHSAA did announce in a press release that they would like to have three seasons for sports and there are contingency plans in place if things don't work out as planned but for now the league said that fall sports will be played in the fall but that could change.

The MHSAA will announce their plans for the 2020-2021 school year between July 20th and July 25th according to Whitmer.

The MHSAA canceled spring sports and the rest of the basketball and hockey postseason in March, a few days after Whitmer ordered all schools to close for the rest of the school year in an executive order.

Many people I know don’t want to see any more cancellations. There have been way too many of those lately.

Sports are a healing point for so many in wake of this coronavirus outbreak. A lot of people depend on sports especially for college opportunities, making friends, sharing bonds (brothers and sisters), and that feeling of being a part of a team.

To take that away hurts everyone.

At the end of the day there are options for the MHSAA. The league could stay the status quo and keep everything the same. They could switch the spring and fall sports which is another option and with Whitmer's recommendation it does hold some strong merit. The MHSAA as mentioned wants to have three seasons for the 2020-2021 school year and doesn't want to see what happened to the Class of 2020 when they didn't have spring sports happen ever again.

It’s a wait and see approach.

LO Cares Podcast from June 18th

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