Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Rochester has their new Girls Basketball Coach.

Written Tuesday June 4th at 12:10 PM

The Rochester Falcons will have their fourth coach in four years.

The Falcons have named Bill Thurston as the new coach replacing Jeff Haney whom led them to a Blue title last season and a 13-9 record according to my very accurate source.

Thurston was the Junior Varsity coach last season under Haney. He is very familiar with the players in the program.

Thurston will have to bring stability to a program that really needs it. As mentioned he is the fourth coach in four seasons joining the likes of Adam Sheldon, Al Poynter, and Jeff Haney being the other three coaches.

Rochester has two all league players returning in Laura Kucera and Megan Lorenzo. Both players are expected to have huge seasons next year as the Falcons will try to defend their league title (shared with Berkley last season.) Rochester stayed in the Blue with the likes of Seaholm, Berkley, Oak Park, Pontiac, Farmington, and Ferndale.


It's an interesting hire but Thurston has been through it all. This program needs stability in the worst way and hopefully Thurston can bring that stability the program needs.

It will be interesting how the sub-varsity programs respond now that Thurston is in charge of the program.

Rochester also has to deal with their city rivals in Adams and Stoney Creek as both programs are very established.

It will be interesting how the Falcons respond to the new hire.

Stay tuned to OAA Now for the latest on this developing story.

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