Sunday, January 20, 2019

Addressing the Officials Crisis.

Written Monday January 21st at 12:00 AM

When I look what has been going on throughout the season. I’ve seen all the negative headlines that has made the news and especially during basketball games where fights are occurring and fans are getting onto the court.

It occurred in South Haven, Lawrence Tech, New Haven, and Oakland University this season.

In 2016, I remember the North Farmington/Hazel Park game where we remembered what happened

We all have to learn ourselves, basketball and sports is just a game. It isn’t life or death.

Basketball is an emotional game, I get it but there are other ways to make sure games are safer and cleaner for everyone involved.

We don’t need parents and fans screaming and making fools of themselves. It doesn't make anyone feel good.

It’s not about the parents, it’s about the players who are enjoying playing high school sports.

Not all of it is about the college scholarship, it shouldn't have to be. There is only a SMALL percentage of kids who are playing college athletics.

I know officials are human and they make mistakes. Making mistakes is only human.

There is a reason why officials aren’t officiating anymore. It’s because of parental behavior in the stands. They can’t take that abuse.

Officials are human, they have jobs like the rest of us. Even though the pay is not that great. They do it because they love the game.

You don’t have to agree with the call but you have to respect it. We don’t have instant replay in high school basketball. I think at times maybe we need instant replay not just basketball but in all sports. Replay does not lie, video does not lie.

Should the MHSAA consider instant replay???

I know there are pros and cons. The cons are the games will take longer but the pros outweigh the negatives. You want to get the calls right and it takes the pressure off the officials.

At the end of the day something has to change, we all want what is best for our kids but we have to respect the officials and encourage more people to be officials.

My Podcast on this subject

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