Monday, April 16, 2018

Orion names their new Boys Soccer Coach.

Written Monday April 16th at 2:25 PM

The Dragons didn't have to look far to find their new Boys Varsity Soccer Coach.

Chris Corteg is now the face of Lake Orion Soccer.

Corteg whom is currently the Girls Varsity Soccer coach was named the Boys Varsity Soccer coach taking over for Matt Paukovitis.

Corteg is a well known name in the Soccer community gaining success in the High School, Collegiate, and Club levels. He was also a long time Athletic Director at Utica Eisenhower also coaching soccer as well.

"I have seen the progress Chris has made with our girls, completely reshaping and building that program. We are fortunate that Chris is in a place in his life where he has the time to dedicate the best to both programs" said Lake Orion Athletic Director Chris Bell in a press release.

Corteg will have the same staff in place with the Girls Soccer team with the Boys. Lake Orion will play in the White division this upcoming fall. "I am excited to bring both programs under the same coaching staff. Along with Chris, we have a great soccer staff and I'm excited for them to work with the boys and the girls. Coach Corteg and I have the same vision and that is to have soccer programs that do things the right way and win championships. Our kids deserve that" Bell concluded.


I like this hire a lot, Corteg brings a lot of experience and knowledge to the Lake Orion Boys Soccer program. He will take over a team that does need to change things up a bit but the talent will be there for this team.

It will be interesting what Corteg does now that he is the new face of Dragons soccer.

Stay tuned to OAA Now for the latest on this developing story.

Soundcloud from this podcast for this story.

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