Saturday, May 14, 2016

Fife to Resign as Athletic Director.

Written Saturday May 14th at 10:10 PM.

Clarkston will have a new Athletic Director this fall.

After 20 years on the job, Dan Fife will resign as Athletic Director but he will still be the Boys Basketball Coach for the Wolves.

It is unknown who will replace Fife as Athletic Director.

Fife (66) will enter his 35th season coaching Clarkston in Boys Basketball. He has won over 600 games for the Wolves and ten straight Red titles to boot, including last season sharing the crown with Class A state-finalist North Farmington. Clarkston returns Foster Loyer, Dylan Alderson, and CJ Robinson to a team that lost in double overtime to Macomb Dakota on the road in the regional semifinals last season.

The Wolves will be one of the top teams in the State this winter.

Stay tuned to OAA Now for the latest on this developing story.

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