Saturday, January 24, 2015

Knights Suffer Big Loss of Head Coach and Two Players.

Written Saturday January 24th, at 5:35 PM

The Oak Park Knights suffered a big hit before it's game on Friday

Tipton was suspended indefinitely after allegedly going on a computer and trying to change two of his players grades just to keep them being eligible for the rest of the season.

Kevon Fuller and Devin Mills were also suspended as well for the academic violations.

The Knights were without the two players and head coach when they beat Troy 50-48 on Friday night. Oak Park Athletic Director and Varsity Football Coach Greg Carter coached the team in Tipton's place. Tipton himself was not in the building.

Carter didn't have much to say about the two players or Tipton or if they will return this season.

There was one major college (Xavier) that sent a scout to see Fuller but he did not play because of the suspension. Fuller was in attendance but was in street clothes for the game in the stands.

There are questions ranging from academic ineligibility for both players now that report cards were delivered and the end of second card marking and first semester was last Friday.

Fuller and Tipton both came over to Knight Valley from Detroit Cody last season while Mills came over from Ferndale this season but he had academic troubles while in Ferndale and looks like it has carried over to his new school Oak Park.

It is possible that both Fuller and Mills could be academically ineligible for the rest of the season and that Oak Park's playoff hopes might have taken at hit but they still have Howard McInnis, Mario Garrett, Bobby Thompson Jr, and Rodney Scales.

Stay tuned to OAA Now for complete coverage on this developing situation.

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